........10/06/1996 Nickolas Careone
10/06/1996 Nickolas
Careone, B.B.M. (b. in 1956; still living).
......e-mail address: BpNickolas@WOCA.org
Ordained a priest for the Western Orthodox Church in
America, on 02/10/1991 at Desert Hot Springs, California
- by Michael Edward
Coburn, a bishop of the Western Orthodox Church in
Consecrated a bishop for the Western Orthodox Church
in America, on 10/06/1996 at Santa Rosa, California,
- by Paul Anthony
Diederich, S.G.S., a bishop of the
Western Orthodox Church in America,
- assisted by
W. Fitzpatrick, O.S.J., a bishop of the
Western Orthodox Church in America,
- and by Daniel James
Dahl, then a bishop of the New Catholic Communion.
[There is a disagreement over who actually was the second
Steven Shirey Shirilau, the archbishop and Primate of the
Ecumenical Catholic Church states that he was that
co-consecrator and that Bp. Dahl, there as a guest, was asked also
to participate in the consecration ceremony. Both Bp. Dahl and Bp.
Careone deny this claim and offer in evidence a copy of the
Instrument of Consecration, signed that day and naming as
the consecrators only Bp. Diederich, Bp. Fitzpatrick, and Bp.
Bp. Careone in the Presiding Bishop of the Diocese of
California for the Western Orthodox
Church in America and the Abbot, locum tenens, of the
Brotherhood of Blessed
[No known consecrations]
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