Statement by Rev. James English, S.J.,
included in an article on the "Circus Mass"
published on April 3, 1975 by
The Catholic Standard.


"It was a normal Roman liturgy. The circus people assisted with the litutgy of the word and took part in the offertory procession. They brought offerings as an act of prayer and homage. The performers were in church because they believe what they do is holy. Artistic people can make their art an act of homage to God.

"I had read in The New York Times in 1973 that Cardinal Cooke had a circus troupe perform at Mass in St. Patrick's Cathedral. Through Cardinal Cooke I was able to contact and invite the circus to the Family Mass."

[Editor's Comment: I guess we should be thankful that
Fr. English never had surgeons or plumbers
come to Holy Trinity for one of his Masses and
as part of the"liturgy of the word" and the "offertory procession"
make their art an act of homage to God.]