08/01/1966 José Marcolino Machado
........1) 12/02/1967 Oscar Osvaldo Cairoli y Fernandez
............a) 12/02/1967 Agusto Montez-Silvieri
................a) 11/xx/1972 Gerald Gates
.......................A) 02/03/1997 Ronald D. Nowlan
..............................I) 11/21/1998 Paul Victor Verhaeren
....................................i) 11/21/1999 Joseph-Ely
..............................2) 11/21/1998 Wayne Moore Hay
....................................i) 11/21/1999 Joseph-Ely (see above).
............b) 08/15/1972 Alejandro Evaristo Geist
................a) 04/29/1973 Michel Staffiero (see below).
............c) 04/29/1973 Michel Staffiero
................I) Jacques Hervé Gautier
.......................A) Marcel-Henri Madoe
.......................B) Diederik Désiré Joseph Quatannens
................II) Roger Pierre Phoebus Stephanos Caro
.......................A) Georges Jacques de Aurata Pellis Bellemare
.......................B) Michel Staffiero (see above).
.......................C) Roger Loubet
.......................D) Maurice Mar Boris I Timotchenko Lemage
.......................E) Richard Taylor
.......................F) Edmund G. Gras
.......................G) Armand Ghislain Tau Raymond Panagion Toussaint
.......................H) Guy Jean Tau Johannes de Mamistra Oliveres
................III) Rainer Laufers
.......................A) Roger Caro (see above).
.......................B) Richard Taylor (see above).
.......................C) Charles Richard McCarthy (see below).
.......................D) Leonard Joseph Curreira
................IV) Charles Richard McCarthy
.......................A) Joseph Raffaele
.......................B) Patrick J. Healy
.......................C) Charles David Luther
.......................D) Lawrence François Pierre
............d) 08/30/1975 Vittorio Maria Francescone
................I) xx/xx/19xx Helmut Clemens Kyrillus Minihofer-Windisch
.......................A) 06/25/1980 Donald Lawrence Jolly-Gabriel

08/01/1966 José Marcolino Machado (b. in 19xx; still living).
......e-mail address: ______________

Ordained a priest on xx/xx/19xx at xxxxx

  1. by xxxx, a bishop of xxxxx.

Consecrated a bishop on 08/01/1966 at xxxxx

  1. by Benedito Pereira-Lima, a bishop of the Igreja Católica Apostólica Independente, Patriarcardo do Brasil,
  2. assisted by xxxx, a bishop of xxxxx.

Bp. Machado has consecrated as bishop:

  • 1) 12/02/1967 Oscar Osvaldo Cairoli y Fernandez

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