...... 08/10/1972 Viktor Ivan Busà
........1) 08/10/1972 Frederick Charles King (see above)
........2) 11/17/1972 Kermit William Poling
........3) 05/19/1974 Giulio Pierino Giuliano Gennaro
............a) xx/xx/19xx Jacques-Hervé Gautier
........4) 04/18/1979 Vittorio Maria Francescone
............a) xx/xx/19xx Helmut Clemens Kyrillus Minihofer-Windisch
........5) xx/xx/19xx Michael Frederic Kirkman
........6) xx/xx/19xx Juan Ignacio Cariaga y Cariaga
............a) xx/xx/19xx René Parra Somorrostro
............b) xx/xx/19xx Celso Mario Rosales y Fernes
08/10/1972 Viktor Ivan
Busà (b. in 1941; still
......e-mail address: ______________
Ordained a priest on xx/xx/19xx at xxxxx by xxxxx, a bishop of xxxxx.
Consecrated a bishop on 11/19/1969
Later consecrated a bishop, sub conditione, on 03/06/1971 at xxxxx, Germany,
Later consecrated a bishop, sub conditione, on 08/10/1972 at Los Angeles, California, in a mutual exchange of consecrations,
Then consecrated a bishop, sub conditione, on 04/22/1973 at xxxxx, Germany,
Lastly consecrated a bishop, sub conditione, on 05/13/1973 at xxxxx
Bp. Busà has served as an Archbishop, and the Primate in Italy, of the Old Roman Catholic Church. He is now an Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church in Diaspora.
Bp. Busà has consecrated as bishops: